Disney Goes Out Of Their Way, This Pup’s Reaction Is So….ADORABLE!


Have you ever met one of your idols or even someone famous, you were no doubt humbled?  The experience can also make you feel like a stumbling fool, stuttering on your words, and feeling completely awkward.

In this video, Bingo and his owner are guests on a  Disney Fantasy Cruise.  You will notice how Bingo keeps looking to his partner for cues that it is “ok” to play.  The act of obedience showed by Bingo shows the deep bond and the amount of training that has been completed between the two of them.

Service dogs are trained to look at owners for cues while they are working.  When service dogs are released from being on-duty they play and run around with other dogs.  When “Pluto” acts like a human trying to stroke Bingo’s head is the only time he freaks out a little.

One of the best parts about going to Disney is getting the chance to meet all of your favorite characters it was no different for these two.  This video is proof that dreams do come true!

This video is one of the most ADORABLE things that we’ve seen in a long time, and Bingo deserves to have a memorable vacation.  His hard work and continued dedication to keeping his owner safe calls for a vacation and time to hang out with his hero and play.   Hoping he had a fantastic time with his friend, Pluto he deserves it.


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