17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!



When you get a Goldendoodle, you really are getting a two for one deal. You get all the cuteness and intelligence of Golden Retrievers and Poodles combined into one package. The result is just pure cuteness overload. Here you will find 17 Goldendoodle photos that are absolutely adorable. Enjoy!


Some people have to walk their dogs for them to keep in shape but this Goldendoodle is staying fit by doing leg lifts.


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


What a teddybear!


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Oh my! Someone has grown while daddy was away.


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Just chillaxin with my dad


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Oh let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


I’m not sure what is more impressive here. The growth of this Goldendoodle or the strength of his dad to hold him like this.


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Just look at this adorable transformation.



17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Ready for takeoff.


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Someone has got himself in a bit of a pickle. “Mom! Dad! Help! It just happened so fast.”


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


A Goldendoodle Growth Spurt


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Who needs stuffed teddy bears when you have these two cuties to snuggle up to?


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Tummy rubs make me happy.


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Could someone just give me a little push?


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


I can’t see you! So you can’t see me.


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Well, well would you look at who just walked in.


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!

17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Goldendoodles practically take care of everything and even do the dishes.


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Showing off my wild side.


17 pictures that show Golden-doodles are absolutely adorable!


Goldendoodle facts that might interest you


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If you enjoyed these photos, you may also want to know a little more about Goldendoodles. Here are some interesting facts about this designer dog breed.


  • Goldendoodles first appeared in the United States in 1990. The name Goldendoodle was first coined in 1992.
  • Most Goldendoodles are hypoallergenic, making them a great breed for those who suffer from allergies.
  • Although it may look like Goldendoodles require a lot of grooming, this breed is actually low-maintenance. A bath is required only once a month, and brushing can be done every 2 weeks.
  • Goldendoodles are a top pick for being a service dog. They are very intelligent, loyal, and make perfect companions and therapy dogs.
  • Goldendoodles love to swim in the water. This is probably because they are crossbred between Poodles and Golden Retrievers, two breeds that are known as water retrievers.