Soccer Match Gets An Unexpected Guest He Steals The Show, Fans Are Laughing Hysterically


In Argentina soccer is taken seriously.  But when this stray guest enters the socer field he not only took the ball he stole the show.   The crowd and announcers go wild with laughter and cheering as players try to catch the dog and get the ball back.

As the packed stadium watched the match take place, the dog decided to show off some of her own soccer skills. She runs out and performs as if she’s trained for this moment her entire life.  She not only controls the ball with her paw dribbling skills but managed to dodge the players who tried to catch her.

The energetic short-legged dog was not short on talent as she escaped each attempt to be caught. With soccer being the intense sport that it is, this little sideshow may have been just what the fans and players needed.  She is as cute as can be running around.  You can hear the crowd erupt with laughter as the announcer follows her every move.

Apparently, though, she was finally caught because an interview was staged for the dog after the game.  Not ready to give up the chase yet, she tried to take off with the microphone. This dog does not disappoint in the area of entertainment.

Dog Get’s A Dream Job

This video has now gone viral.  And as for what became of the little dog – The San Lorenzo team decided to adopt her. But she has been given a new job.  Instead of chasing balls at the games, she chases pigeons off of the fields after it is freshly seeded.

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Sometimes, in life, it’s all about timing. Because this dog was in the right place at the right time, she became adopted by the team.  She also landed a career of a lifetime.

Enjoy this video below of the dog’s moment of fame.  If you liked this, make sure to share it with your friends.