Guy Goes Into His Room And Finds A Cat Has Given Birth Under His Bed – It’s Not His Cat



Can you imagine it? You live alone and walk into your bedroom, just like you have a million times before, to grab a sweater. Suddenly, you hear a commotion under your bed. When you look, you find a cat you had never seen before who just gave birth.

Well, London-based filmmaker Paris Zarcilla no longer has to imagine such a scenario, because that is precisely what happened to him.


Other than a mystical portal, no one can figure out just how the mama cat found her way under his bed. However, That mystery pales in comparison to the monumental task that Paris now faces.

“I just found a cat that is not mine and it has had babies under my bed,” wrote Paris.

He wrote about the experience on Twitter and documented the entire thing for the world. And, oh boy, the world reacted.

Paris’ posts quickly went viral, as the world caught on to his deliciously adorable and unique story. His first post accumulated 127,000 likes and over 36,000 retweets.

Luckily for everyone, the new #CatDad took a lot of photos of the adorable babies. It touches the heart to watch his progression on twitter.

Guy Goes Into His Room And Finds A Cat Has Given Birth Under His Bed – It’s Not His Cat

Paris proceeded throughout the day to let everyone in one exactly how he was feeling about the entire experience, and it’s nearly as adorable as the kittens under his bed.

Guy Goes Into His Room And Finds A Cat Has Given Birth Under His Bed – It’s Not His Cat


A vast majority of us, especially those who hang out here at Animals Being Cute, understand precisely what Paris was going through that day.

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Guy Goes Into His Room And Finds A Cat Has Given Birth Under His Bed – It’s Not His Cat

Luckily for everyone, Paris also took a ton of pictures of the adorable family, as well.

Paris tried as hard as he could to express how he was feeling that day.

If only everyone on the planet had as much empathy for these helpless babies as Paris did, the whole world would change.

Paris even alluded to having depression and anxiety problems. Like a lot of us, though, he seems to have noticed that the kitties had an immediate effect on him.

Guy Goes Into His Room And Finds A Cat Has Given Birth Under His Bed – It’s Not His Cat
Guy Goes Into His Room And Finds A Cat Has Given Birth Under His Bed – It’s Not His Cat

How adorable is #CatDad, right?

Paris went from having zero pets to having a mama cat and her babies under his bed. Instead of freaking out, he had the best reaction ever.

The world would change overnight for all of our beloved four-legged friends if everyone treated animals the way that #CatDad did.

Guy Goes Into His Room And Finds A Cat Has Given Birth Under His Bed – It’s Not His Cat

Paris has even been attempting to name the new fur babies and adorably giving them gamer stats.

You can sign up to follow him on Twitter for more updates of your own. Good luck, Cat Dad. Here at Animals Being Cute, we think you’re awesome.

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