Понедельник, 10 марта, 2025

Filley Won’t Leave Man After Being Scratched- Her Next Trick Has...

One human pleasure most can relate to his having your back scratched.  Animals also like being pet and scratched. One horse, in particular, loved having...

Little Dog Follows The Google Earth Car And The Results Will...

Just in case you live under a rock and don’t know about it yet, Google Earth is this astonishing application that you can use...

10 Photos That Will Prove That Insects Are the Puppies of...

Cute as a bug? Or Ew, a bug! Do you scream when you come across a beetle? Or do you squeal over its pretty, iridescent...

Napping Is So Easy These Puppies Prove It Can Be Done...

There is nothing on the planet more adorable than a brand new puppy. These guys prove that being small and adorable is really hard work....

Five Reasons Crows Will One Day Rule The Earth

People joke about cockroaches taking over after humans have wiped themselves from the face of the earth. And chances are, roaches, with their mad...

New Yorkers Are Smiling, This Fluffy Corgi Brings Out The Best...

Bryan Reisberg gets smiles wherever he goes. However, he realizes that the smiles are not necessarily directed at him.  He carries his dog Maxine...

Newfoundland Throws Tantrum–His ‘Owner’ Unexpectedly Puts Her Foot Down

You’ve heard of the terrible twos: a period of time marked by temper tantrums when toddlers overuse the word “no.” Well, dogs go through that...

Orphaned Elephants Are Too Tired To Sleep When She Does This...

Two orphaned elephant calves named Aya Mye and Mary were having a hard time falling asleep. Without their elephant mothers to comfort them, they had...

When big dog helps his little friend out in the snow,...

Sometimes we all just need a little help from our friends. And that includes dogs not just humans. Wait until you see how one...

Park Staff Teach Birds a New Trick–And it’s Amazing

Everyone knows that corvids — crows, rooks, ravens, and magpies — are clever. They solve complex problems, reward friends and recognize enemies, and even...

Boston Terrier Roams Around Family Farm–Comes Face To Face With A...

Miss Piggie is a boston terrier, and always looking for love and friendship. Her humans own a farm that happens to include cows. One day...

Cat Goes To His ‘Favorite Place’ At 7am Every Day And...

One day, a teacher, Tina Soucy, was moving into her classroom on the bottom floor. It was her first day there at Westbrook High...