Naughty Kitty Finds An Old Tray Of Paint And Does A Home Makeover


For anyone who has ever raised or lived with a kitten, you probably know firsthand the kinds of trouble that kittens can get into. Maisy, the kitten is no different. She is 6 months old and filled with bundles of energy. Most of Maisy’s time is spent getting into one kind or trouble or another.


Naughty Kitty Finds An Old Tray Of Paint And Does A Home Makeover

“She has a very inquisitive personality,” Maisy’s mom, Holly Clark said. “She is always getting into things she’s not supposed to! I have to be very careful, especially when I’m in the kitchen because she loves to get in the cupboards. She is always ripping up toilet paper, plucking [at] the carpet or the lounge, and she loves playing in plastic bags.”


Naughty Kitty Finds An Old Tray Of Paint And Does A Home Makeover

Clark was recently doing some painting around the house. She put the paint in the sink before she went to bed. By morning, she could see that Maisy was doing her own kind of painting around the house.


Naughty Kitty Finds An Old Tray Of Paint And Does A Home Makeover

“I first discovered her ‘artwork’ when I got up to get ready for work and I noticed little white footprints in my hallway … and my first reaction was, ‘Oh my God, no,’” Clark said. Clark cringed to think that maybe Maisy had decorated more than the hallway.


Naughty Kitty Finds An Old Tray Of Paint And Does A Home Makeover

Clark’s Favorite Artwork Done By Her Kitty Was The Toliet


“The paw prints were everywhere,” Clark said. “Absolutely everywhere. My laundry is at the back of my house, so she had run all the way to the front door, through all the bedrooms, all through the lounge room and the wooden furniture in the lounge room, the toilet (my most favorite piece of her paw art).”

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Naughty Kitty Finds An Old Tray Of Paint And Does A Home Makeover

Because the paint had been sitting in the sink in water it was not hard to remove. Therefore removing the paint was not hard to do. Now, Clark just has the memories and lots of funny photos of Maisy’s artwork.


Naughty Kitty Finds An Old Tray Of Paint And Does A Home Makeover

Would you like this kind of artwork in your home? I bet some people would pay good money to get permanent cute little kitty prints like this on their floors.