Horse Jams To The Sounds Of ‘Fleetwood Mac’, He Loves It


Humans love music. It’s everywhere we go. Whether you’re in a store or you’re at a restaurant or you’re just sitting at home, music is most likely playing. Certain tunes affect the way we feel; they can make us happy sad and everything in between. There are some artists who’s music lives on forever. The band Fleetwood Mac can contest to this.


Fleetwood Mac originated in London England in 1967. Their music, considered Rock, is known all around the world; they have sold more than 100 million records. Some of their most famous songs are Dreams, Landslide, and Rhiannon. But humans are not the only ones who enjoy Fleetwood Mac.

Horse Jams To The Sounds Of ‘Fleetwood Mac’, He Loves It

When Victoria Anderson-Gardner and Morningstar Derosier, venture to film a documentary about an indigenous dance called the Sun Dance, they ran into something they did not expect. After spending their time filming and young tribe, they made the drive back home. On their drive back they noticed a gorgeous black horse. The two filmmakers stopped and looked at the . While they were stopped they were listening to Fleetwood Mac. One of the woman commented,


“We started singing and then noticed the horse started to dance, so we turned the music up even louder!”


The song that came on was Dreams and the horse loved it! While they were observing he popped his head up and down and back and forth. His long beautiful tail started to wag also. The women were astonished by what they saw. They sang along the recorded the beautiful horse swaying to the music.Horse Jams To The Sounds Of ‘Fleetwood Mac’, He Loves It

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The two filmmakers will be coming back next year to record the tribal dance. They also hope that the black horse will be around to listen to Fleetwood Mac again. They also added,


 “We’ll definitely be looking out for the horse when we go back to see the Sun Dancers next year!”


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