Chicken seemlessly works his way through homemade agility course–his final jump...

Most people have heard of dogs going through agility courses. Border Collies are just one of the many breeds that excel at obstacle courses,...

New Hampshire Childcare Center Has Unlikely Guest In Their Playground Tree

On Monday, May 7, Manchester, New Hampshire police responded to a call about a bear found on the city’s West Side. The bear was...

Napping Is So Easy These Puppies Prove It Can Be Done...

There is nothing on the planet more adorable than a brand new puppy. These guys prove that being small and adorable is really hard work....

Vet trips are stressful, these vets tried to make everyone chuckle...

Comedians are not the only ones with jokes! Recently, veterinarians have gotten pretty clever. Vets are getting funny on their signs and we are...

Еврейский анекдот, как Абрам застукал жену

Абрам возвратился домой из командировки. На вокзале он взял такси, а когда доехал до дома, то попросил таксиста подняться с ним и стать свидетелем...

These 30 pictures owners named “the ugliest photo of their pets”...

Pets can be so fun to have around. They also can assist people in lowering their blood pressure just by being their cute selves....

Alaskan Malamutes Join Together In A Song, They Sing In Perfect...

Alaskan Malamutes are known for their rich vocabulary. Their vocalizations are often made up of barks, chirps, yodels, howls, yips, rumbles and even human-like...

This Couple Gets A Surprise Wedding Crasher Who Eats The Bouquet...

Morgan and Luke did what many newlyweds do. They got photos taken by a photographer so that they could remember their day. They wanted...

A Cat Named Dog in Vietnam Has The Internet In An...

The internet is full of animals and creatures that steal our hearts, but this cat currently has taken the cake (or fish). In Hai Phong,...