Expert Elk Hunter Makes Video But The Secret Weapon In His Back Pack Surprised Everyone


Elk hunter Chris knows what it takes to be successful out in the field. No matter what job a person does it helps to have the right equipment and resources. One of Chris’s secret components to his elk hunting stash of gear that he keeps in his bag might just surprise you.

Chris is all decked out in camouflage and serious in demeanor when he explains while sitting on his ATV what he brings on an elk hunt. “Just wanted to go over a few things that I bring with me.  I always have an extra layer of gear,” He says as he talks about how the weather that day is turning colder. He goes on to list some more items that every elk hunter should have with them including, cow calling gear, glasses, beef jerky, his gun, water and “all of that good stuff” as he calls it.

The next item though seems most important since he keeps it in a separate carrier type bag.  Chris explains as he gets ready to show the most valuable item, ““The most important thing though is to make sure you have a real good companion.  I like to bring my hunting dog.”  He then reaches in his camo pack and lifts out a Chihuahua.

Expert Elk Hunter Makes Video But The Secret Weapon In His Back Pack Surprised Everyone

“This dog can hunt!  Her name is Coco,” Chris says as he reveals the dog. “Don’t let the size fool you though. She’s all business when it comes to hunting.”  As he explains what a good watch dog she is, Coco lashes out barking at the camera as if barking on cue.

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Like a sales pitch, Chris leaves us with the final push saying, “You gotta have one of these things,” They can track, they’re just the best-hunting dogs in the world!”

Enjoy this cute video of the best elk hunting dog in the world.