Puppy And Baby Have A Hilarious Bond – The Family Can’t Stop Laughing


Have you ever had a case of the giggles? I mean the kind where you absolutely can’t stop? Maybe it was even accompanied by tears running down your face. Most people could probably recall at least one episode in their life where they had a case of the giggles. But for most, it probably involved a shared laugh with another person. Well, this case of the giggles has to do with a dog and a cute child.


The adorable child in the video is 18 months old, Andonis Antonakis with the family’s 3-year-old dog named Brooklyn. What makes this even more special is that Brooklyn is afraid of most adults, but she finds pleasure in being around children.


Puppy And Baby Have A Hilarious Bond – The Family Can’t Stop Laughing


Andonis’s mom, Jennie, said that when Brooklyn is around, the kids are all happy and smiles. Brooklyn clearly has found her calling in the world and that is to make children laugh. From watching the video, it seems as though, Brooklyn may benefit just as much as Andonis from the bond that they share. Brooklyn’s payoff seems to be the laughter from Andonis. As soon as the child laughs, Brooklyn takes off zooming around the center of the room. Then, she runs back to Andonis. And she does this again and again and again.


Puppy And Baby Have A Hilarious Bond – The Family Can’t Stop Laughing


It has been said that laughter is good medicine for the soul. If you agree with this, you may benefit greatly from this video of Andonis and Antonakis. I don’t know about you, but after the second zoom and round of laughing by this sweet child, I found myself smiling. Next thing I knew, I was laughing out loud right along with the video.

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If you know someone who could benefit from laughter and a dose of cuteness, make sure to share this video.