Pup plays along with a statue street artist and they go viral



Yorge Luis Ruiz is a talented man, but it took a friend of the canine type to make him an internet sensation. Let’s take a look at the incredible duo.


Ruiz was on his fourth year of working as a living statue on the streets of Fortaleza, Brazil when he found a key to success. He began a business partnership with his dog Jaspe. This partnership has gained both of them huge popularity.


Pup plays along with a statue street artist and they go viral

The Job


Every day, Yorge would dress up from top to bottom in bronze clothing. He would paint his skin and hair the same color bronze so that he would look like a statue. Then he would stand completely motionless at the city square. People would walk right on by him, thinking he was a statue. Then he would move, much to the delight of the people.


Pup plays along with a statue street artist and they go viral

Involving His Dog


When Yorge brought his dog Jaspe to work, it was obvious that Jaspe was built for this job. Even his fur was the perfect bronze color to match Yorge. But what was even more amazing was that Jaspe just naturally knew what to do. Yorge never trained Jaspe to remain still. Yet Jaspe remained perfectly still. The cue that Jaspe works off of is when Yorge gives Jaspe a kiss on the neck. At that point, Jaspe freezes and will hold that position until Yorge moves.


Pup plays along with a statue street artist and they go viral

A tourist took a video of Yorge and Jaspe and uploaded it to Twitter. It quickly went viral bringing in over 2.8 million views. It also drew a lot of people to Yorge’s Instagram Page. On his page, Yorge wrote,

“We’re overwhelmed by all the positive comments we are getting right now.”


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Pup plays along with a statue street artist and they go viral
Pup plays along with a statue street artist and they go viral

You really have to see the performance of these two to appreciate them. Take a look for yourself at the video that made them famous.