Guy Hits Record And Starts To Sing, His Frenchie Joins In It Turns Into Hilarious Carpool Karaoke


Many people like to sing on the way to work or to the grocery store. If you happen to be one of the blessed ones to have a friend or family member who sings along with you, you know how special that time can be. Maybe that is why karaoke is so popular. When two friends sing together you can just see the bond that they have when they sing together. I’m here to tell you today about a singing duo that you won’t want to miss. The bond that they share is evident from the first notes sung together.


The duo that I’m talking about is a man and his Frenchie named Junior. The enthusiasm that they both put into the song is absolutely heartwarming. It’s almost as if Junior is filling in as the back-up singer at just the right moments. Just watch the magic unfold as these two sing along to the song Diamond.  Make sure to turn your speakers up! And if you have dogs in the house, you shouldn’t even have to turn it down to keep them from barking. Mine didn’t recognize Junior as a dog, which is rare. Junior has more of a well, sweet child-like voice. Take a listen for yourself as Junior and his dad sing aloud as they drive through the streets of Cologne, Germany.


Junior and His Human Sing “Diamond”

Guy Hits Record And Starts To Sing, His Frenchie Joins In It Turns Into Hilarious Carpool Karaoke



About Frenchies


Frenchies, short for French Bulldog is a miniature dog. The signature “bat ears” are the breed’s trademark. Frenchies are intelligent, affectionate and they don’t bark much. They are, however, very alert, which makes them great watchdogs. Most Frenchies get along well with other pets. This is a very popular breed for city-dwellers. If you are looking for a small dog that doesn’t bark much, you may want to learn more about Frenchies. They may not bark much, but some like Junior in the video, some Frenchies sure can sing.

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