Cute dog “Winky” takes this dog competition slowly


Often times we rush through life. Especially in competitions, we want to be the fastest or the strongest. One little dog sees past this idea. Winky, a Bichon Frise recently competed in the Masters Agility Championship Preliminaries competition. This little dog enjoyed the competition by taking it slow and taking in the moment.


Cute dog “Winky” takes this dog competition slowly


The internet thoroughly enjoyed Winky’s performance. After going viral, people on Twitter began tweeting! This is one of the great Tweets:


“One of our favorite moments from yesterday’s Masters Agility Championship Preliminaries, Winky the Bichon Frise!”


Even though he took 192 seconds to finish the competition, Winky did not care and neither did the crowd. Once people realized the adorable dog was taking the course slowly, everyone cheered him on. Another person tweeted, “Winky, a good boy having a fun time at his own pace”


Someone else responds to the Tweet:


“I love how he pauses whenever he’s high above the ground to look over at the crowd and marvel at them clapping for him.”


Perhaps the best comment is,


“We are all Winky going through the obstacle course of life.”


Of course, Winky did not win the big competition, but he loved the time he had. Because he took his time through the obstacle course, he had time to smell the roses as some would say.


We all need to learn how to be more like Winky. Perhaps we should all take life slowly. We need to stop to enjoy the little things. We all will get where we need to be, even if we take things slowly.

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Cute dog “Winky” takes this dog competition slowly

Please share this adorable story with friends! If you haven’t already watched Winky go through the competition slowly, please watch! It will definitely make your day! Also, do not forget to take your time through life. Make sure to smell the roses!