Woman’s Phone Hears Her Speaking To Her Dog And Puts It In A Hilarious Text


In a world of autocorrects and voice messaging, you can imagine that mistakes happen on a greater level these days. In days of old, a mistake might be a misspelled word that you emailed someone. But nowadays, with text messaging, smartphones contribute to many unintended messages going on. Let’s take a look at a hilarious mistake message that went out from one friend to another when the words were really only meant for a dog.


Woman’s Phone Hears Her Speaking To Her Dog And Puts It In A Hilarious Text

Ashlee Bradford was in her bedroom while texting to a friend. It was then that her 12-year-old blind and deaf dog named Brucey entered her room. Ashlee did what most dog-loving parents would do when their special pet enters a room. She put her phone down to love on Brucey. The only problem was that she accidentally activated the voice-to-text feature.

Ashlee continued to give Brucey attention and lots of sweet talks. Then she looked at her text. “I immediately realized it was a lot longer than what I had typed and saw it recorded me talking to him,” Bradford said.


Woman’s Phone Hears Her Speaking To Her Dog And Puts It In A Hilarious Text

The text that accidentally got sent to her friend said,

“I’m usually the opposite and have great days Who is who is your good boy good boy he is a newborn or you so handsome you’re handsome baby yet you like that if you go into sweet IPC I Brucie Brucie hi I love you I love you I love you boo who is we who we who is a sweet boy sweet Bolognese.”


Woman’s Phone Hears Her Speaking To Her Dog And Puts It In A Hilarious Text

Ashlee Immediately Texted Her Friend Back To Explain


Once Ashlee saw what had happened, she immediately texted her friend to explain. “I responded almost immediately that I had messed up,” Bradford said, “She didn’t know what was going on at all. She just randomly got a weird text.”

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Ashlee’s friend is a dog lover too, so she got a kick out of it. She then shared the conversation on social media. It immediately went viral. And Brucey got a new nickname, Sweet Bolognese.


“The sweet bologna must have been an autocorrect because I don’t call him that,” Ashlee said.

“The only thing I can think of is that I was calling him sweet baby or something like that and it autocorrects to that because I was talking in the high pitched voice I use when I talk to dogs.”