Watching these neglected ducks take to water for the first time ever will make your day



Imagine for a moment that you were born to do something specific — like swimming. Now, imagine what it must feel like to be built for swimming and never being allowed near the water. Take, for example, these neglected ducks we’re talking about today.


Sadly, we know that some people in the world hoard things for some reason. Hoarding is when you get so much of something; you become overwhelmed by it.

People hoard items as well as animals. Sadly, when people hoard animals, it’s often the animals that pay the steepest price.

That’s what happened to the neglected ducks in our story. Somehow, someone collected ducks over the years and kept them locked away in cages — never allowing them near the water.

Watching these neglected ducks take to water for the first time ever will make your day

Fortunately for the ducks, the beautiful people at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary caught wind of what was going on. As soon as they could, they got the neglected ducks out of there.


Of course, the newly rescued ducks would need to get checked out by a veterinarian first. They all passed with flying colors.

And you know what that means?

That means it’s time to join the other ducks.

Watching these neglected ducks take to water for the first time ever will make your day

But that’s not all, of course.

For these neglected ducks, this would be the first time they have ever seen water, let alone swim in it.


Well, at first, the ducks pretty much just seemed confused and didn’t know what to do with themselves.

Watching these neglected ducks take to water for the first time ever will make your day

Remember, they had never seen water, so the ducks had no idea how awesome it was going to be. For a while, the humans inside the duck’s enclosure had to help things along.

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Watching these neglected ducks take to water for the first time ever will make your day

With a little encouragement, the ducks finally get into the water.

Watching these neglected ducks take to water for the first time ever will make your day

At first, they get right back out again. Of course, they had to figure out that they were ducks and they could swim in this strange substance.

It was once the ducks learned that they are indeed ducks that the real magic happened.

Check them out in the video below:

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Watching these neglected ducks take to water for the first time ever will make your day

Featured Image Screenshot from Woodstock Farm Sanctuary via YouTube Video