Latest Survey Discovers Texans Are Choosing Having ‘Fur-Babies’ Rather Than Kids


A survey conducted by Innovet found that many Texans are inclined to want to raise ‘furbabies’ instead of human babies. The sample was taken from 3,800 Americans. It was discovered that one in four couples are choosing to be pet parents over human parents. The rate was even higher in Louisana, with 56 percent.


Latest Survey Discovers Texans Are Choosing Having ‘Fur-Babies’ Rather Than Kids

More facts about Texans and their pets revealed that pet parents are willing to take off an average of four unpaid days to care for a sick pet. The loss calculated to be an average of $370.


Pennsylvanians were willing to take off the most amount of unpaid days for a sick pet. The average income loss was $717.89 and 6 unpaid days off in Pennsylvania.


Let’s get back to those Texas pet parents. Out of the couples in Texas that have both a child and pet, 71.4% said that they consider the health benefits of their pet’s food more than their own food. A quarter of that group said that they fed their animals a specialized diet.


As far as feeling closer to pets than other family members, 38% of Texans felt that way. 6 percent of pet parents video chat frequently with their furbaby. Half of Texans let their pets sleep in bed with them.


Latest Survey Discovers Texans Are Choosing Having ‘Fur-Babies’ Rather Than Kids

How About You?


Now that we know how Texans feel about their pets, let’s hear in the comments about how you feel. How much do you value your pets? Do you consider them like your own babies? And as far as sleeping arrangements go, do you let your furbabies sleep in the bed with you?

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One thing is for sure, and that is a large percentage of Americans see their pets as family members. And why shouldn’t we? Our pets share our living space with us and are there for us. Pets truly can make life so much better.





Latest Survey Discovers Texans Are Choosing Having ‘Fur-Babies’ Rather Than Kids